GETEC, Stadtwerke Hanau and Goodyear cooperate for a heat supply from renewable energies

Biomass heating plant is expected to reduce the Goodyear Hanau plant’s CO2 emissions by up to 95%

Hanau, March 21, 2025 – In an exemplary collaboration, the specialist for decarbonized energy and infrastructure GETEC, Stadtwerke Hanau, and Goodyear have signed contracts for a heat supply from renewable fuels. GETEC will build a heating plant on the Goodyear Hanau site. This will be operated on the basis of regionally available, certified waste wood that cannot be used for other materials. The project is a decisive step on the way to Goodyear using 100% renewable energy in all global manufacturing facilities by 2040 and offers additional added value for the city of Hanau.

Bild vergrößern: Press conference GETEC, Goodyear, City of Hanau MORITZ GOEBEL © City of Hanau, Moritz Göbel
Press conference on 21.03.2025 in Hanau. f.l.t.r.: Dirk Krieger, Managing Director Finance at Goodyear Germany; Katrin Rost, Managing Director at Goodyear Germany; Martina Butz, Managing Director of Stadtwerke Hanau; Claus Kaminsky, Mayor of Hanau; Thomas Stephanblome, CEO of GETEC Platform Germany; Hajo Hoops, Managing Director of GETEC heat & power.

In the future, up to 95% of the Goodyear Hanau plant’s heat requirements for production will be covered by the new biomass heating plant. In addition, around 15% of the renewable heat generated, around 15,000 MWh, will be supplied to Stadtwerke Hanau to supply the city with heat. The plant is expected to have a capacity of 16 MWth and deliver up to 24 tons of process steam per hour. By switching from gas to biomass, the tire plant’s CO2 emissions at the Hanau site are expected to be reduced by up to 95% per year. Commercial operation of the biomass heating plant is planned for mid-2028.

The project is supported by funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Thomas Stephanblome, CEO of GETEC’s Platform Germany, emphasizes “This partnership demonstrates our commitment to developing tailor-made and highly efficient energy solutions that are not only more sustainable, but also economical. We are proud to make a positive contribution to the environment and to the achievement of the climate goals of the city of Hanau together with Goodyear and Stadtwerke Hanau.”

Katrin Rost, Managing Director at Goodyear Germany, explains: “The conversion of the Hanau plant's energy supply to biomass fuel is a significant step towards our goal of fully converting manufacturing operations to renewable energy by 2040. It is in line with our corporate responsibility framework, Better Future, by consistently implementing our commitment to utilize renewable energy solutions. The combination with district heating supply illustrates the potential of close collaboration between industry and local energy suppliers to achieve common climate targets.”

The Lord Mayor of the City of Hanau Claus Kaminsky emphasizes "We see this as a commendable example of how both an established regional company and our municipal, sustainability-focused municipal utility continue to drive the climate transition locally together with a competent project partner. This new cooperation also contributes directly to the ultimate goal of our Hanau climate protection concept, namely to lead Hanau to climate neutrality by 2040.
In recent months and years, our municipal utilities in particular have achieved great things in this respect: from their expertise and cooperation in municipal heat planning to Hanau's new 'Energy Innovation Center' in Großauheim, where a state-of-the-art combined heat and power plant, Hanau's first solar park and the substation of the municipal utilities subsidiary Hanau Netz were built. One innovative building block after another, which come together to form a sophisticated and innovative overall energy concept."

Martina Butz, Managing Director of Stadtwerke Hanau, explains: “As early as this summer, we will supply our customers with renewable district heating from our own combined heat and power plant on the site of the former Großauheim barracks. In the future, we envisage the use of hydrogen and industrial waste heat, for example from the data center being built in the immediate vicinity. Now another component is being added: With the signing of the heat supply contract, we are laying the foundation for an even greener energy mix for our district heating. With the commissioning of the new biomass heating plant in 2028, we plan to combine it with our combined heat and power plant and a large heat pump for waste heat recovery. This enables an even more economical and efficient heat supply, as the biomass heating plant will increasingly replace the use of gas-fired boilers. In purely mathematical terms, we will thus supply almost 1,000 households with renewable heat from biomass."

Bild vergrößern: Goodyear site Hanau Axel Haesler © Goodyear
Goodyear site Hanau

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