Information Announcement of Gas Emergency Plan Alert Level -
Security of Supply Guaranteed
Information Announcement of Gas Emergency Plan Alert Level -
Security of Supply Guaranteed
On June 23, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection proclaimed the second of three stages of the gas emergency plan, the so-called alert stage. Prior to that, the early warning stage applied, which had already been declared on March 30. The German government's current 2019 Gas Emergency Plan is based on an EU regulation from 2017, and provides for three stages: Early Warning Level, Alert Level and Emergency Level.
As far as our obligations to our GETEC customers are concerned, security of supply is currently guaranteed.
The Ministry of Economics declares the alert level when there is a disruption in the gas supply or an exceptionally high demand for gas that leads to a significant deterioration in the gas supply situation. "Currently, the security of supply is ensured, but the situation is tense. The reason for declaring the alert level is the cut in gas supplies from Russia, which has been in place since June 14, 2022, and the continued high level of prices on the gas market," the ministry said, explaining the reason for declaring the level. Furthermore, from July 11, the Nordstream 1 gas pipeline will undergo maintenance work, which may lead to a further shortage of gas.
GETEC has also set up a task force on the subject for the purpose of safeguarding our customers, which keeps in touch with Berlin for a better assessment of the current political and legal situation and prepares further measures for safeguarding customers ahead of the current and possibly upcoming developments.
Here you can find the press release of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection:
Press Release BMWK Alert
Here you can find the Gas Emergency Plan:
Gas Emergency Plan
Further information on the gas supply status can be found on the website of the Federal Network Agency:
Current status of gas supply in Germany
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