Pierre-Alain Graf becomes CEO GETEC GROUP -
Thomas P. Wagner joins GETEC ADVISORY BOARD

Magdeburg, December 20th, 2022

  • Pierre-Alain Graf, former CEO Swissgrid, General Manager Cisco Systems
    Switzerland and SVP at Hitachi Energy, succeeds Thomas P. Wagner as
    GETEC Group CEO
  • Thomas P. Wagner to become Non-Executive Director of the GETEC Advisory
    Board as of January 1st, 2023
  • GETEC operates more than 11,800 energy generation assets across nine European
    countries with more than 5.4 GWth cumulative installed capacity,
    saving more than 712,000 tons of CO2 annually

GETEC provides sustainable, smart and efficient energy solutions to customers in the real estate and industrial sectors across Europe. The company has achieved tremendous growth and today operates more than 11,800 plant assets in nine European countries with more than 5.4 GWth of cumulative installed capacity and over 2,200 employees. In addition to strong organic growth, GETEC has developed from a German to a pan-European market leader in recent years through a total of six largescale mergers and acquisitions and has established independently operating regional platforms in Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands in addition to Germany. GETEC has demonstrated its leadership in sustainability through a comprehensive and wellfounded Net Zero roadmap to 2045. Already today, GETEC achieves a saving of more than 712,000 tons of CO2 per year for its customers.

Bild vergrößern: Pierre-Alain Graf
CEO, Pierre-Alain Graf

Pierre-Alain Graf: “I am proud and feel very honored to take over the role as CEO of GETEC Group and I thank the Shareholders and the Board for the great trust they have put in me. The GETEC teams have a great track record in providing both sustainable as well as economical solutions to its customers in the industry and the real estate sector. I am fully convinced that GETEC provides exactly the solutions that are needed to lead the energy transition into a successful future and I am excited to lead GETEC into the next phase together with its passionate employees.”

Anne Berner, Chair of GETEC Advisory Board: “The Shareholders and the Board are excited to appoint Pierre-Alain Graf as successor to Thomas in the role of GETEC Group CEO. Pierre-Alain brings a wealth of executive experience in the technology, utility and energy space from a truly pan-European and global track record of growing businesses, and he is uniquely positioned to drive the ambitions of GETEC going forward. Page 2 PRESS RELEASE The Shareholders and the Board are excited and fully committed to continue to develop GETEC and lead it into its next era of growth, investing in the team and growth over the long term, and we welcome Pierre-Alain to lead us forward into this exciting new era.

We are also excited to retain Thomas and his significant experience from very successful executive careers at GETEC, Dorma and Otis as a Director of the GETEC Board effective as of January 1st, ensuring continuity to the business and for our customers. I´m personally very grateful to continue the trusted work with Thomas in the Board.” Thomas P. Wagner: “For almost six years I have been serving as Group CEO to GETEC and its customers. This has been a wonderful and exciting journey and I am very grateful to have been working with so many dedicated and passionate colleagues across Europe. Together we achieved a lot that we can be proud of. GETEC has taken a huge step towards becoming Europe's leading provider of decentralized energy services, with tripling the sales and its workforce in the last five years, expanding into 9 countries and driving the energy transition for our customers with unique sustainable solutions. After so many years in executive responsibilities it was my desire to move into the next phase of my professional career sharing my experience with others in nonexecutive roles and this is also how I will continue to support GETEC in its future growth ambitions. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to continue working on GETEC´s success and I am happy to find such an experienced and skilled leader like Pierre-Alain as my successor.”

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