Our references

EMMTEC services BV at the location emmtec Industry & Businesspark

Covering an area of 115 hectares, the emmtec Industry & Businesspark in Emmen is the largest industrial park in Northern Netherlands. A total of ten production plants from the biochemistry, fibre and polymer industries employ approximately 2,100 people at the site. 27 hectares of expandable surface area also offer a perfect supply of new settlements. Empowering your business. With EMMTEC Services – an enterprise of the GETEC Group.

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The customised GETEC energy solution

Tailor-made service and supply concepts: Required media, logistics, laboratory and engineering services

The challenge

As site operator for all local businesses, we operate a collective service concept in a complex network of material and energy flows.

The goal

As infrastructure operator, we strive to offer all services for industrial parks.

Our solution

With its customised services portfolio, EMMTEC services offers local companies ideal conditions. GETEC's redundant production supply units (assets) and infrastructure ensures that the production plants are supplied with the required utilities at all times.

Facts and Figures


115 hectares, fully developed,
140,000 m² of building space,
90,000 m² of storage space,
2,000 m² of laboratory space,
8,400 m² of office space

Plant inventory

2 x 32 MWel combined cycle gas turbine power plant,
2 x 100 t/h of steam (up to 30 bar),
8 MW of refrigeration from absorption refrigeration and compression-type refrigeration machines,
180 m³/h of demineralised water, 
120 m³/h of drinking water,
400 m³/h of process water,
81,000 m³/h of compressed air,
Sewage treatment plant for 120,000 PE,
Air separation installation for nitrogen (1,350 Nm³/h),
10 x 300 m³ silo parks


150 km medium voltage network,
11 transfer stations,
154 oil-free transformers,
autonomous electricity system,
4.5 km natural gas network (up to 20 bar)

CO2 savings

The integral consideration as well as operation of the media supply achieves optimal energy efficiency. This enabled our customers to realise savings of 43% of CO2 per ton between 1990 and 2018.

Our services rendered for emmtec Industry & Businesspark

Industrial park operation

We take care of the entire logistics infrastructure - from energy and water supply to plant security and grid infrastructure.

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Decentralised energy supply

The future is decentralised. For more efficiency, more independence and more flexibility.

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Supply solutions

Simple and reliable supply - with GETEC

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Paper-mill Julius Schulte, Trebsen

The company Julius Schulte Trebsen GmbH & Co. KG is one of the leading German providers of corrugated board base stock and specialty paper.

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The customised GETEC energy solution

The challenge

A new economical concept was supposed to cover the high steam and electricity requirements. In addition, the location was supposed to supply heat and electricity to cover its own needs. 

The goal

Set-up of two complementary plant concepts capable of ensuring the highest possible security of supply. 

Our solution

GETEC is building a natural gas fired combined cycle gas turbine power plant (CCGT) as well as a pulverised lignite fired cogeneration power plant.

Facts and Figures


Combined cycle gas turbine power plant and CHP plant


Steam & electricity, capable of isolated operation

Our services rendered for the Paper-mill Julius Schulte Trebsen

Steam supply

Safe and reliable steam supply

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Fuel management

Sustainable and balanced fuel mix

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Supply solutions

Simple and reliable supply - with GETEC

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Town of Turek (Poland)

The municipal works in Turek started operating in 1956 and are covering the entire range of communal services. The limited liability company is wholly owned by the municipality of Turek.

The customised GETEC energy solution

The challenge

Nearly 90,000 MWh of heat per year are needed for the properties in Turek with a population of 28,000 residents.

The goal

Above all, the new energy supply was supposed to be particularly economical, to realise low and stable energy costs for the community in the long term.

Our solution

GETEC presented a tailor-made concept and guarantees the town of Turek an economical, affordable and secure heat supply for a total of 30 years. The plan is to build a new plant on the property that was specifically purchased for this purpose. Starting in 2018, the heating station replaced the Adamów power station as heat supplier to the town of Turek.

Facts and Figures


2x pulverised lignite/gas fired hot water boilers (bivalent burner design)
1x gas fired hot water boiler


Hot water

Our services rendered for Turek

Energy service contracting

Customised complete solutions - planning, construction, financing, operation

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Energy generation systems

Energy supply - efficient and decentralized.

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Fuel management

Sustainable and balanced fuel mix

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G+D Gesellschaft für Energiemanagement mbH

The real estate group Deutsche Wohnen SE based in Berlin and the energy services provider GETEC have been in a strategic cooperation, the joint venture G+D Gesellschaft für Energiemanagement mbH, since 2013. The subject matter of the partnership is the energetic management of the properties of Deutsche Wohnen SE, which are scattered throughout Germany.

The customised GETEC energy solution

The challenge

GETEC and Deutsche Wohnen will plan and realise an appropriate, customised supply concept for every residential neighbourhood and/or supply structure. Apart from the technical requirements, the focus is also on efficiency measures to keep the rising energy costs in check. This will likewise benefit tenants of DW in the future. A total of approx. 111,000 residential units are currently supplied with heat.

Facts and Figures

CO2 savings

9,500 t per year


Heat and electricity

Number of supplied residential units

111,000 households

We consider this business model to be an attractive solution for the ecological and economical challenges as well as for the design of a sustainable energy concept for our real estate portfolio. This strategic partnership provides us with a high degree of co-determination on the one hand and with the flexibility to focus our resources on our core business on the other hand.

Michael Zahn

Chairperson of the executive board of Deutsche Wohnen SE

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